In control panel - display - screen resolution I can see all three monitors. New connection, Samsung S22D300(#3) to the display port using an active adapter (DP to HDMI). Video card is AMD Radeon HD 7570 (came with desktop) which has a DVI (x2301), HDMI (T22B350), and an empty display port. The color acuracy is great for this monitor, I will still use it to check color, but will get a 4k one for main display.Currently running 2 displays HP x2301(#1) and samsung T22B350(#2), working fine. I'm also selling two of mine, depending on where you are. Sounds like your monitor isn't working properly, same as my dodgy one. Sorry I just re-read your post and now I understand why you're not using HDMI directly. Also if that gets it working at Full HD and you have a newer NVIDIA card, you may not need CRU at all. It sounds to me like cables are the issue at the moment, apart from the fact that you tried it with another monitor and it worked so I'm no sure. That should give you Full HD, and from there you can try using CRU. (03-01-2021 03:15 AM)benanna88 Wrote: Hi victorl, I'm no expert when it comes to this sort of thing, but firstly, have you tried HDMI to HDMI with your u2711? You said you have HDMI output, but I didn't see anywhere that you said you'd tried it directly to the HDMI port on the monitor.

I only have VGA and HDMI output ports, so HDMI is my only chance to get 2560 full res on u2711. Where do I find this extension block? I am using windows8.1 64 bit Now I am trying my last option, HDMI to DVI. So I tried a HDMI to DP to see if I can use the DP port, same problem and message. u2711 seems detects cable is plug in, but pop up a screen saying no signal from your computer blabla.

Long story: For whatever reason, I always get no signal in u2711's HDMI port. My HDMI should output 1080p, I tested it on another full HD monitor and works using HDMI. Short story: using hdmi to dvi adaptor (I also have a hdmi to dvi cable, but it is single link), both only give me 1680x1650. Is there any other settings I might need to change? Or would it be helpful to post any other screenshots? I checked and I do have an HDMI data block in the extension block (screenshot: ), and so I installed the patch and then redid the custom resolution and restarted the drivers, but it's still not giving me a higher resolution. (01-22-2019 10:53 AM)benanna88 Wrote: Thanks for your reply Toasty.